Keeping Your IT Systems & Data Safe (KISS) with Technology & Cybersecurity News & Tips

These articles and videos have been published by eSudo, a local IT support and Consulting company (MSP) in Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, and the San Francisco Bay Area over 22+ years to educate our community about common questions on today’s technology and cybersecurity trends.

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation if you have a question about your business challenges!

The use of mobile devices skyrocketed in the latter half of the 2000s, so it was only a matter of time before hackers took advantage. To protect users from attacks,

Businesses and individuals alike rely on Macs for tasks that require a high level of security, such as online banking, shopping, and storing important files. So what would happen if

It’s no secret that technology advances at a rapid pace. Sooner or later, even the best devices will start to feel slow and outdated. If you’re in the market for

No matter how well you protect your business from cyberattacks, there is always a risk that someone will find a way to break in. That’s why it’s essential to have

It’s no secret that social media is a huge target for hackers. Every day, millions of people share their personal information on Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, Instant gram, and other social

Performing a clean install of Windows 11 allows you to start fresh with a completely new operating system that is free of old settings, unnecessary files, and potential malware. It

The security of business printers is often overlooked by small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This can prove to be a big mistake because printers can be just as vulnerable to

To facilitate communication and collaboration among remote workforce, fast and reliable home Wi-Fi connections are essential. If you are a remote worker and have exhausted all the home Wi-Fi boosting

Microsoft 365 Groups connectors allow users to send messages and files to anyone in the group, regardless of whether they are using Outlook, SharePoint, or Yammer. This makes it easy